After a good night’s sleep on Monday it was back to the roads for another day of straight travel towards Florida City. Although my feet continue to ache I tried to increase the mix of running to hiking in an effort to shorten the amount of time I am on my feet….with mixed results. I stayed at the Best Western Motel on Tuesday night because its situated on the southern tip of Florida City and would set me up well for the long desolate trip to Key Largo on Wednesday.
I knew that the strech of road from Florida City to Key Largo was largely through parkland (part of the Everglades National Park), but I figured that there would at least be a rest stop with a picnic table or two somewhere along the 20 mile “entranceway to the Keys”….I was wrong.
I was smart enough though to pack an extra liter of water for the trip, and I rationed it throughout the day as the sun beat down with only occasional breaks from stray clouds. There were lots of cars passing in both directions, but I was a bit surpised that I didnt see any other pedestrians or cyclists throughout the day. In fact, my only interaction with any living thing was with this fellow sun worshiper
After traveling just under 20 miles without a break I arrived in Key Largo and set up shop in a motel next to a marina….complete with a Tiki Bar and restaurant just accross from my room. 🙂
Today I begin the last week of my Journey! As I look out my window this morning I cant help but feel thankful for all the people who have helped make this crazy trip possible. I am hoping that this last week will inspire those of you who have been following me, but not yet contributed to the cause, to consider making a donation to the MS Society so that we can finally “finish MS”
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